Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bullshit email

Here's one of those bullshit emails from Asif Zamir that I referred to yesterday:

"-----Original Message-----
From: Blue Ocean - VIP []
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 3:35 PM
Subject: re: update

Hi everyone, I'm sending a mass email out to the people waiting for their items / refunds with an update.

As I recently mentioned my Ebay account / email was hacked into, and it will be up and running again when they look into it further.

I lost most of my emails, so if you've emailed me recently, please re-send your email and I'll respond asap. Also, the number to reach me between 9am - 5pm (Mon - Fri) is 416-xxx-xxx

Just tell me if you want your item or refund and we can make the appropriate arrangements.

Asif Zamir"

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