Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The message is clear

Too many people still have not been paid by Asif Zamir to let him off the hook by taking down this blog. Asif has promised that people will be paid by the end of February, so let's see if that happens.

BTW, I received yet another message from a new victim. The person asked that I not go into any details about the particular case, but the sum we are talking about is significant and far more than the average.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Asif Zamir No Longer Owes me $1190: Time to take down the blog?

Hi All!

Long time no post. The last time I posted I had given up all hope of ever seeing my money again.

In November, I got a call from the detective handling the case for the Peel police department. He had Asif Zamir on the line. The detective demanded that he pay me in full by the following Tuesday (it was Friday). I got $190 on Tuesday, rather than $1190. The following Saturday I got $400, the Saturday after that I got $300 and finally the last $300 owed of the principal the Saturday after that.

When Asif Zamir sent the first amount he said we could discuss compensation afterwards. I suggested that it should be $415 based on interest on $1190 over 1 year and 10 months, plus a penalty for lost time, aggravation etc. He agreed, but said he will only pay me at the end of December. My response was that I didn't believe him and I wanted the compensation immediately. Since that time he has been sending me $25 per week for a total compensation of around $225 or $250 so far.

I have been in touch with the other victims and it seems that of all the people who have contacted me over the last 2 years, there are 2 others who were refunded their money in November. Most of the others have been promised repayment by the end of February.

One of the things that I said to Asif Zamir when I was trying to convince him to give me my money back was that I would take down this blog once I got my money. Asif has asked me to take it down now that we are in the compensation phase, but I would feel guilty taking the blog down because there are so many people who have not been repaid.

So, now I ask you, dear readers, what should I do?