Sunday, November 18, 2007

Asif Zamir: The Case so Far

I will be taking a break from posting for a little while, so before I go, I want to list the case against Asif Zamir one more time, kind of a one stop shop for people who may be thinking of going anywhere near him:

1. From April 2006 to August 2007, Asif Zamir had received at least $10,000 for camera equipment for which he has provided absolutely nothing in return. This figure is what I have been able to confirm, it is very likely there are other victims of Asif Zamir out there that I don't know about. For all I know, he could have taken ten times as much.

2. Asif Zamir started soliciting "buyers" on ebay. His ebay account was suspended and then cancelled in February 2007. He has never been allowed to advertise on ebay again.

3. Asif Zamir continued to solicit money from others by email right up to July/August 2007.

4. The number of known victims is 8.

5. Despite having many email addreses, at least one of which that was known to be active as recently as October, Asif Zamir has refused to respond to any of the people from which he took money. It goes without saying that he has not taken it upon himself to contact his victims either.

6. Asif Zamir claims to be a charitable Christian. If he performs any charity, it is at the expense of his many victims. If he is a Christian, he flagrantly disregards at least 1 commandment.

7. Asif Zamir has been in hiding since July 2007. His mother claims to not know where he is. The police no longer know where he lives.

I will post again relatively soon. This will not be over for as long as Asif Zamir is not brought to justice.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Asif Zamir: The Lowdown on the Police

Ok, I haven't talked about the police up to now because I didn't want to provide an advantage to Asif Zamir by giving him information. Now, I think, there is nothing to lose.

The police detective of the Peel Police department is, by his own admission, not very knowledgeable about computers. When Asif Zamir said that he had had his ebay account hacked, the detective took him at his word. Where most of us would have thought, "that's a convenient excuse", the detective automatically started treating this case as though all parties acted in good faith.

To complicate matters, the detective had an existing relationship with Asif Zamir and his mother for a matter involving fraud against a church where the Zamirs were the complainants (I know, I also wonder what the story from that case is...).

I must admit, even though I know that the detective has been trying to help, and has apparently managed to get Asif Zamir to repay some of his victims, he has treated me more like a pain in the ass than a legitimate complainant (I would like to clarify: I am a pain in the ass and a legitimate complainant). That is most likely because he wants me to let it go, agree with him that Asif Zamir is just a very bad, stupid, inexperienced businessman.

This detective has also read Asif Zamir's blog and he expressed doubt that it was the same Asif Zamir. He says that Asif Zamir refers to having been in Pickering in 1992, which would have made him only 6 or 7 years old. I don't see an issue with this, given that he could well have been there with his mommy. In any case, it illustrates the detective's tendency to doubt pretty much every piece of evidence that I provide him. He did say (and I agree with him on this) that knowing that Asif Zamir is in Pickering doesn't really help us to find him.

So, his suggestion is simply to sue him. Unfortunately, that was the route I was pursuing until the detective got involved and told me that he would recover my money for me. So, I waited for the detective to work on Asif Zamir, and then Zamir got evicted. Now, since Asif Zamir has gone into hiding, I must find him before I can sue him.

The RCMP has shown some interest as well. I expect once they hit this one on their list of priorities, they will act. This is why it is so vitally important for all victims of Asif Zamir to file a complaint with them. They need to appreciate the scope of the fraud. Unlike the detective from the Peel police department, I think they will evaluate this more objectively and give the benefit of the doubt to the victims rather than to the accused.

I know that Asif Zamir hopes that if he lays low for awhile, all of this will blow over. I am working towards not letting that happen. I want to teach Asif Zamir that you cannot steal from people with impunity.

Asif Zamir: Of course, he could be lying

He might not be in Pickering at all. He may be laying a false trail. Given that he has lied so much to so many people, there is really no reason to believe him when he says that he is in Pickering.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Asif Zamir Living in Pickering?

One of Asif Zamir's victims just emailed me that he has updated his blog. He has added the crime of vapidity to his repertoire.

The Banality of Evil

It seems to indicate that he has fled to Pickering. Why, you might ask, would he divulge this information? Probably so that he can claim not to be hiding and because he knows that Pickering is a big place where it would still be difficult to locate him.

The fact is that I have sent the link to this blog to his most recently used email address, known to have been used by him after I sent the link. It was also sent to him by Jakub when he found this site. Asif Zamir knows this blog exists and he knows there are people looking for him. Legally, I and the other known victims have taken every reasonable step to get in contact with Asif Zamir. He has clearly taken steps to hide from his victims and the police. This will not play in his favour.

I wonder if this guy in the wheelchair that Asif Zamir claims to have helped would have let him touch his chair if he knew Asif Zamir's record of absconding with things that he gets his hands on.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Asif Zamir: Man of Mystery

Sorry about the comments not appearing. I didn't realize that by enabling comment moderation on Asif Zamir Owes Me Money that I had to log in to have them show. I have disabled that feature now so all your comments will show as you enter them.

There were 2 comments that I had to moderate, but one of them seems to have disappeared, even though I clicked publish. Sorry about that. Please, whoever it is who whote that comment, repost.

Regarding the comment on vigilantism: I agree that Asif Zamir is playing a dangerous game. It's like walking into a bar and picking a fight with a stranger, you don't know who you are facing. Of course, regardless of the fact that Asif Zamir is stealing money from honest people with families to feed, I would not wish any physical harm on him. Asif Zamir knows that the people who have contributed to his $10k++ windfall are the kinds of honest people who play by the rules. We go to the police, we try to reason with him. The police have not yet taken action in the form of finding and arresting Asif Zamir, but that does not mean they won't. I am sure that the longer this site stays up, the more people will find it and the harder it will be for the police not to act.

The next step for me is to go to the media. There are a couple of consumer advocacy segments on the local news who would be very interested in getting to the bottom of Asif Zamir's operation. I hope to make Asif Zamir famous!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Asif Zamir Strikes Again

I got an email today from a woman named Sue who paid Asif over $600 for a Canon Rebel XT and, surprise! Never saw the camera or her money again. So, we must be pushing at least $10,000 that Asif Zamir has stolen from a total of 8 people.

This blog must be getting boring in its predictability. More victims found, more money stolen and no Asif Zamir to be found anywhere.