Yes, I am happy with the new URL, it seems to please the Googalgorithm and comes in above Asif Zamir's blog.
Do you think Asif Zamir will link to my blog?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
This takes the cake
I can understand that Asif Zamir went underground when all of the people started demanding money from him. But now he has started his own blog, presumably to counter this blog. Here it is:
So, let's talk about Asif Zamir's claim that his has had his identity stolen. If he had had his identity stolen, why hasn't ebay restored his account?
But wait a second....
I was going to launch into an impassioned refutation of this claim of identity theft for why Asif Zamir has not paid me and so many others back, but you know what? If he truly has had his identity stolen and if I paid somebody other than him, then we can find out who the culprit is. I sent an Interac email money transfer, as did everybody else. That money will be traceable to a bank account. I am willing to bet that the bank account that received my money belongs to Asif Zamir. We can easily trace that money even if the account has been closed. One way or another, if Asif Zamir is not lying and is truly interested in finding out who stole his identity, he will co-operate with me, the police and all others to have this mystery man charged with fraud. Maybe he can call OJ Simpson, and OJ can help him find the fraudster and afterwards Asif can help find the real killers. What do you think?
So, Asif Zamir, since it is established that you ARE reading this blog, email me and we will get in touch with the police and trace where my money actually went. Then we can establish who stole my money and have them charged with fraud. We can do that with Jakub, Pat, Raymond and Mike too.
This is getting interesting....
P.S. - Notice that Asif Zamir has not allowed people to comment on his blog. Trying to control the message, perhaps?
So, let's talk about Asif Zamir's claim that his has had his identity stolen. If he had had his identity stolen, why hasn't ebay restored his account?
But wait a second....
I was going to launch into an impassioned refutation of this claim of identity theft for why Asif Zamir has not paid me and so many others back, but you know what? If he truly has had his identity stolen and if I paid somebody other than him, then we can find out who the culprit is. I sent an Interac email money transfer, as did everybody else. That money will be traceable to a bank account. I am willing to bet that the bank account that received my money belongs to Asif Zamir. We can easily trace that money even if the account has been closed. One way or another, if Asif Zamir is not lying and is truly interested in finding out who stole his identity, he will co-operate with me, the police and all others to have this mystery man charged with fraud. Maybe he can call OJ Simpson, and OJ can help him find the fraudster and afterwards Asif can help find the real killers. What do you think?
So, Asif Zamir, since it is established that you ARE reading this blog, email me and we will get in touch with the police and trace where my money actually went. Then we can establish who stole my money and have them charged with fraud. We can do that with Jakub, Pat, Raymond and Mike too.
This is getting interesting....
P.S. - Notice that Asif Zamir has not allowed people to comment on his blog. Trying to control the message, perhaps?
Just keeping this blog searchable
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Did I mention that
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money?
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money
Did I mention that
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money?
Shakin' the Tree
I have a raccoon that lives in the crook of a tree in my backyard. This morning I watched him settle in for the day. I was trying to get a picture of him with the camera that I didn't get from Asif Zamir. He wasn't moving at first, and no matter what noise I made with my mouth, he refused to shift. So then I take a few steps to the left and he looks down at me. Oh! A picture! But then he disinterestedly tucks his head in again. I eventually got some pictures of him by simply walking around, by maneuvering for a better angle.
The way I see it now with this whole Asif Zamir thing is that if I and the other people owed money are ever to see it again, it will be through new channels not yet tried, as opposed to the old ones that have failed. This website is one thing, and without revealing anything to Asif if he follows this blog, there are some other things going on that may well surprise people.
Here is one thing that I will say: Asif Zamir, if you are reading this, now would be an excellent time to start writing the cheques to the people owed money. Fair warning.
The way I see it now with this whole Asif Zamir thing is that if I and the other people owed money are ever to see it again, it will be through new channels not yet tried, as opposed to the old ones that have failed. This website is one thing, and without revealing anything to Asif if he follows this blog, there are some other things going on that may well surprise people.
Here is one thing that I will say: Asif Zamir, if you are reading this, now would be an excellent time to start writing the cheques to the people owed money. Fair warning.
The Soft Touch
In all of the time that I have tried to convince Asif Zamir to give me my money back I have taken every approach imaginable (short of threats to his person). Every approach has been met by silence. If Asif Zamir were a person with a sense of morality, he would have engaged the people owed money in order to find a solution. He has done just the opposite. We have now passed the 8 month mark that Asif Zamir took my money, and it has been 4 months since I last heard from Asif (even if the last communication from Asif was a flat out lie).
Anyway, the point of this post is to illustrate that I have not only taken a confrontational approach with Asif Zamir, I have also made genuine attempts to help him. To wit:
Hi Asif,
I just wanted to drop you a line to try to encourage you to give me a call. I get the impression that you are having some problems and I would like to help you to resolve them. I am a patient and understanding person, so if you are in some kind of a bind, you can call me and we can discuss the problem and a potential resolution. I understand that it must be very stressful for you at the moment with the police involvement and all, but the solution is not to be found in ignoring the problem.
I’m sure that you can understand how it must look from my side, what with your lack of communication. I truly want to believe that you will refund my money, but you must show me some goodwill and contact me. I am sure that together we can resolve this. It is only if I understand the problem that I can contribute to a solution. There is no reason that this must end up in a courtroom in Montreal at a cost of thousands of dollars.
So, Asif, I am begging you to contact me. I know you are a Christian man and that you mean to do good in this world. It was this that prompted me to do business with you in the first place. I truly believe that we must talk. Let’s be positive and trusting and resolve this once and for all and lift this great weight off our shoulders! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be able to stop all of the maneuvering that I have begun and have my faith restored in my fellow man. Please, Asif, contact me at 514-xxx-xxxx or 514-xxx-xxxx. Call me collect if you must! Just call me, please!
Rob van Hell
Ok, so maybe I went overboard with the niceness, but it just goes to show that Asif had no interest whatsoever in resolving this.
Anyway, the point of this post is to illustrate that I have not only taken a confrontational approach with Asif Zamir, I have also made genuine attempts to help him. To wit:
Hi Asif,
I just wanted to drop you a line to try to encourage you to give me a call. I get the impression that you are having some problems and I would like to help you to resolve them. I am a patient and understanding person, so if you are in some kind of a bind, you can call me and we can discuss the problem and a potential resolution. I understand that it must be very stressful for you at the moment with the police involvement and all, but the solution is not to be found in ignoring the problem.
I’m sure that you can understand how it must look from my side, what with your lack of communication. I truly want to believe that you will refund my money, but you must show me some goodwill and contact me. I am sure that together we can resolve this. It is only if I understand the problem that I can contribute to a solution. There is no reason that this must end up in a courtroom in Montreal at a cost of thousands of dollars.
So, Asif, I am begging you to contact me. I know you are a Christian man and that you mean to do good in this world. It was this that prompted me to do business with you in the first place. I truly believe that we must talk. Let’s be positive and trusting and resolve this once and for all and lift this great weight off our shoulders! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be able to stop all of the maneuvering that I have begun and have my faith restored in my fellow man. Please, Asif, contact me at 514-xxx-xxxx or 514-xxx-xxxx. Call me collect if you must! Just call me, please!
Rob van Hell
Ok, so maybe I went overboard with the niceness, but it just goes to show that Asif had no interest whatsoever in resolving this.
Crime and Punishment
So, I'm sitting here wondering how many times somebody can take money from people supposedly in exchange for a good or service and fail to provide anything before it becomes fraud. Really, I'm thinking that there are some people out there who are operating at an enormous profit because all they offer are promises and payment up front.
Asif Zamir may have started off with lofty ideas of providing a low cost alternative to the retail stores, but he seems to have gotten sidetracked along the way into simply taking people's money in a manner that offers them no recourse outside of legal action and using it to take trips to the US.
If he does this 15 times, is it fraud? Does he have to do it 20 or 30 times? What constitutes a pattern? Presuming that Asif Zamir is a man of average intelligence, he knew well before soliciting money from Jakub, in June 2007, that his business had failed and to take any money from others would be simply an act of theft, because ethically, he would have to use that money to pay back one of the other people owed money.
This presumes also that he actually had any intention of providing goods for those who gave him money. The fact that he avoided all modes of payment that provided the "customers" with recourse indicates some forethought that if he did not meet his side of the bargain he would not have to reimburse the money.
Right now Asif Zamir may be advertising on the internet or in newpapers and getting new customers. My bet now is that he will not divulge his name because of this website.
It is obvious to all his creditors that Asif Zamir has no intention of repaying us. When will the only people able to stop him see that?
Asif Zamir may have started off with lofty ideas of providing a low cost alternative to the retail stores, but he seems to have gotten sidetracked along the way into simply taking people's money in a manner that offers them no recourse outside of legal action and using it to take trips to the US.
If he does this 15 times, is it fraud? Does he have to do it 20 or 30 times? What constitutes a pattern? Presuming that Asif Zamir is a man of average intelligence, he knew well before soliciting money from Jakub, in June 2007, that his business had failed and to take any money from others would be simply an act of theft, because ethically, he would have to use that money to pay back one of the other people owed money.
This presumes also that he actually had any intention of providing goods for those who gave him money. The fact that he avoided all modes of payment that provided the "customers" with recourse indicates some forethought that if he did not meet his side of the bargain he would not have to reimburse the money.
Right now Asif Zamir may be advertising on the internet or in newpapers and getting new customers. My bet now is that he will not divulge his name because of this website.
It is obvious to all his creditors that Asif Zamir has no intention of repaying us. When will the only people able to stop him see that?
Bullshit email
Here's one of those bullshit emails from Asif Zamir that I referred to yesterday:
"-----Original Message-----
From: Blue Ocean - VIP []
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 3:35 PM
Subject: re: update
Hi everyone, I'm sending a mass email out to the people waiting for their items / refunds with an update.
As I recently mentioned my Ebay account / email was hacked into, and it will be up and running again when they look into it further.
I lost most of my emails, so if you've emailed me recently, please re-send your email and I'll respond asap. Also, the number to reach me between 9am - 5pm (Mon - Fri) is 416-xxx-xxx
Just tell me if you want your item or refund and we can make the appropriate arrangements.
Asif Zamir"
"-----Original Message-----
From: Blue Ocean - VIP []
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 3:35 PM
Subject: re: update
Hi everyone, I'm sending a mass email out to the people waiting for their items / refunds with an update.
As I recently mentioned my Ebay account / email was hacked into, and it will be up and running again when they look into it further.
I lost most of my emails, so if you've emailed me recently, please re-send your email and I'll respond asap. Also, the number to reach me between 9am - 5pm (Mon - Fri) is 416-xxx-xxx
Just tell me if you want your item or refund and we can make the appropriate arrangements.
Asif Zamir"
Promises, promises
Just a quick post: Asif Zamir sporadically sent what he called "mass emails" saying that he would pay people back by such an such a date. Of course the dates would pass, then the detective would get on his back and he would set another date. My last promise from Asif was sent on a Monday promising that I would be paid by Friday. Then the detective forwarded me an email from Asif Zamir saying that he would be able to pay me at least half of my money by Friday. Let's just say I wasn't holding my breath.
That was the last email I ever received from Asif Zamir.
That was the last email I ever received from Asif Zamir.
Why start "Asif Zamir Owes Me Money"?
So, you may wonder why I would have started a blog like this. Ok, there’s the obvious point that Asif Zamir actually does owe me $1190… but now, my chances of getting that money back without a judge’s decree are as close to nil as me winning the 6/49.
There are a few reasons why I write, I suppose. One is that I honestly hope that at least one person will Google Asif Zamir before sending him the money. If a website such as this one existed before I sent money to Asif, obviously I never would have sent it.
My second hopes are really twin hopes: I hope that Asif Zamir is reading this blog and I hope he is not a sociopath. I know it’s a faint hope, but I hope that Asif reads this blog and that his conscience is assaulting him day and night for the money he took from me, Pat, Jakub, Mike, Raymond and all of the other people of whom I am not yet aware. So, this tiny little hope that I have is that Asif Zamir will come clean, and take all of the necessary steps to right the wrongs that he has committed.
(A side note: I don’t know what Christian sect Asif Zamir belongs to, but I really hope it is one where his actions threaten his eternal salvation.)
My third hope is that he realizes that he is not the victim. He has referred to the “hacking” of his account as something that has done him great harm. Asif Zamir, if you are reading, even if you had your identity stolen, you still have the primordial responsibility to repay your customers. We are your victims. There is only one bad guy in this story, and it is you. Everybody else sent you money out of a misplaced trust in your character.
My fourth hope is that this body of evidence might reveal to authorities that Asif Zamir is committing fraud. If I cannot get my money back, I would be somewhat consoled to see a fraud charge laid against Asif Zamir. I will go testify, and I know others who will too. At what point can we consider the repeated soliciting of money and the subsequent failure to provide the promised merchandise a crime?
There are a few reasons why I write, I suppose. One is that I honestly hope that at least one person will Google Asif Zamir before sending him the money. If a website such as this one existed before I sent money to Asif, obviously I never would have sent it.
My second hopes are really twin hopes: I hope that Asif Zamir is reading this blog and I hope he is not a sociopath. I know it’s a faint hope, but I hope that Asif reads this blog and that his conscience is assaulting him day and night for the money he took from me, Pat, Jakub, Mike, Raymond and all of the other people of whom I am not yet aware. So, this tiny little hope that I have is that Asif Zamir will come clean, and take all of the necessary steps to right the wrongs that he has committed.
(A side note: I don’t know what Christian sect Asif Zamir belongs to, but I really hope it is one where his actions threaten his eternal salvation.)
My third hope is that he realizes that he is not the victim. He has referred to the “hacking” of his account as something that has done him great harm. Asif Zamir, if you are reading, even if you had your identity stolen, you still have the primordial responsibility to repay your customers. We are your victims. There is only one bad guy in this story, and it is you. Everybody else sent you money out of a misplaced trust in your character.
My fourth hope is that this body of evidence might reveal to authorities that Asif Zamir is committing fraud. If I cannot get my money back, I would be somewhat consoled to see a fraud charge laid against Asif Zamir. I will go testify, and I know others who will too. At what point can we consider the repeated soliciting of money and the subsequent failure to provide the promised merchandise a crime?
Back in Business!
Having had to make this blog really sucks. It's even worse to find out that there are more people out there than I had thought who are owed money from Asif Zamir. So it goes that, in the first week of posting about my difficulties with Asif, two other people find my blog and report that they are owed money.
Worse, one of the people (Pat) has been waiting almost a year and a half for merchandise. This is long before Asif claimed to have been a victim of identity theft. And regardless of his claims, the people owed money all have evidence that Asif Zamir acknowledges that the transactions were legitimate and not a result of identity theft.
Furthermore, if somebody had really hacked Asif Zamir's ebay account, and if ebay had found his claim to have had any merit, would they not have reinstated his ebay privileges? Of course they would have, but they never did. Asif has never been back in business on ebay.
Asif Zamir never answered the official dispute I filed with ebay. He ignored it, and ebay compensated me to their maximum of $175. But if the transaction had been legitimate in the first place, if Asif intended to refund my money and if he really cared about his reputation on ebay, he would have responded to the dispute and refunded my money. I believe that the suspension of Asif's ebay account had nothing to do with any hacking. Of course, he would have been banned anyway by not responding to my dispute, so maybe mine was not the first dispute he ignored.
Anyway, on to the main point of this entry; Jakub, one of the two people who contacted me this week, was solicited by Asif Zamir this summer, having been one of his "successful" past transactions. Jakub paid Asif and found this blog when Asif stopped responding to his emails. He has now contacted the police and graciously allowed me to post his full email correspondence with Asif. I've organized the email exchange so that the top is the first email and the bottom is the last. I've commented on the exchange throughout.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Jun 15, 2007 11:26 AM
Subject: re: Camera and lens sale
I'm sending this email because you purchased a camera or lens from me on
Ebay in the past and I'd like to tell you about my current sale. I'm selling
presale items again at up to 40% off retail. So please email me for price
quotes if you'd like. :)
Ed: Woohoo! You give away 40% less money than you would otherwise have!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Jul 19, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: New Sales
Hi Everyone,
One last sales letter!
If you need a price quote for any item just email me, I'm having a sale that
will end on July 27, everything 30% -50% off retail. Free shipping within
Canada and I can get almost any item, not just Canon anymore.
Here are some specials that will expire early, on July 23rd. They include an
additional 10% discount:
- Canon XTi body only kit: $600
- Canon Xti w/ 18-55: $700
- Canon 17-85mm lens: $500
- Canon S5 IS camera: $400
- CANON EF-S 10-22MM 3.5-4.5 USM LENS: $805
I had my identity stolen earlier this year and now I'm offering big
discounts to get the business back up and running. :)
Asif Z
Ed: What, no takers? Hey, he's gotta pay his rent! He claims his identity was stolen, but he won't mention what else was stolen!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 8, 2007 6:09 PM
Subject: 50% off all Canon / Nikon Cameras and Lenses
Hi Everyone,
I'm having a 50% off sale on all cameras and lenses. Basically it's 50%
off any advertised retail price (like on or etc.) for
both Canon and Nikon.
Delivery time is 3-4 weeks and delivery is free via FedEX within Canada.
Payment via: Interac
It's a fantastic opportunity. Some prices:
- Canon Rebel Xti (black or silver) w / 18-55 lens $499.00
- Canon 17-85mm lens $399.00
I'm putting in bulk orders every friday, this sale ends August 24th.
Thanks again!
Asif Z
Ed: Prices too good to be true!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 8, 2007 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: 50% off all Canon / Nikon Cameras and Lenses
To: "A. Z."
Hi Asif Zamir,
I would like to get the Canon EF 24-105mm IS L F4 lens, What price can
you do it for? Also, when the 40D comes out in a few months I will be
interested in purchasing that from you if possible. I am still quite
happy with the 30D and the 17-85 IS I bought from you last summer.
Please include your phone number and address with your reply, I seem
to have misplaced this info since we last spoke.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 10, 2007 2:31 PM
Subject: Interested in ordering a lens
To: "A. Z."
Asif, are you still there?
---------- Forwarded message
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 10, 2007 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: 50% off all Canon / Nikon Cameras and Lenses
Hi Jacub,
The EF 25-105mm IS L F4 $700. And I'll give you a good price on the 40D if
you purchase it from me when it becomes available.
4 Hxxxxxxxx Road,
Brampton Ontario xxx xxx
:) If you would like to purchase, you can send an Interac like before.
Delivery is the same as last time, about 3-4 weeks (you should allow up to
30 days). And I'll use FedEx.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 10, 2007 7:00 PM
Subject: RE: Interested in ordering a lens
Hi Jacub,
Sorry I was in NY for a couple of days. :) I sent an email a few minutes
ago with the price and so on :)
Ed: Ah, trips to NY. I wonder whose money he used.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 12, 2007 8:24 PM
Subject: RE: Interested in ordering a lens
:) Hi Ed,
It was nice to speak to you lastnight.
I forgot to mention one thing: If you end up ordering the 5D + lens kit for
$2300, once you've received it, you can send me your 30D + 17-85mm lens and
I'll sell it and give you $550. That way I make more money and you get an
even better deal. Or you can sell it yourself on Ebay or anywhere else. That
will further reduce the price for you. :)
Anyway, just an idea :)
Thanks again!
Ed: Only $700? If you'd give me a couple of grand for that 5D, that would be really cool! And btw, what the hell is with Asif not being able to get Jakub's name right?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 13, 2007 1:36 AM
Subject: Re: Interested in ordering a lens
To: "A. Z."
Hi Asif,
For now I'm going to just go with the Canon 24-105 mm f4 L IS. There
are reports that the 5D does not work well with my 100-400mm lens in
terms of image quality. Also I don't like losing the 35mm equiv.16mm
my 10-22mm lens gives a cropped sensor body. If the 40D is a bigger
jump than the 30D was from the 20D I will probably go for that. My
father in law will likely buy my 30D and 17-85mm for around a grand.
I appreciate your offer to take it in though as eBay selling is too
much of a hassle for me.
I excitedly look forward to getting this awesome Canon 24-105 mm f4 L
IS lens from you with any luck in the even quicker time frame you
noted as possible. I am really thrilled an entity such as yourself
exists to make the pricing of this expensive equipment bearable. I
hope you stay in the biz for a really, really long time. I have sent
the 700 dollars and the security question should be easy to answer for
you, extra hint it is a plain English word that preceded backking05.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TD Canada Trust
Date: Aug 13, 2007 9:45 AM
Subject: FYI: INTERAC Email Money Transfer to Asif Z accepted
The INTERAC Email Money Transfer for $700.00 (CAD) you sent to Asif Z was accepted. The transfer is now complete.
Recipient's Message: A message was not provided
Thank you for using TD Canada Trust's INTERAC Email Money Transfer service.
Need help?
Ed: The damage is done.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 18, 2007 5:32 PM
Subject: Canon 40D!!
Thanks Jakub,
I received your payment and your lens has been ordered.
As of yesterday we have news on the Canon 40D release date and price:
It will be available in stores in Canada on or around September 21. The
retail price for the body only kit will be about $1600 to $1800 plus taxes.
We start presales for this item on Monday August 20th, and I am selling them
for $1,300 tax included. However if you want one, I'll be glad to sell it to
you for $1,000 since you also recently purchased a lens from me. :) So
that's the news on the Canon 40D! If you want one by September 21st, the
first day it comes out, here's your chance!
Thank's again Jacub! I appreciate your business.
Asif Zamir
Ed: Isn't that nice? Asif will sell Jakub a camera for very little just because he bought something else from him! Wow, what a guy!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 19, 2007 4:14 PM
Subject: Canon 5D
Hi Jakub - sorry I think I spelled your name wrong in my last email.
Just to clarify: Canon 5D comes with the $350 mail in rebate plus I get
another $150 rebate, I'll be glad to pass it on to you as well, that's $500
Asif Z
Ed: My goodness, it looks like Jakub might get offered Asif's firstborn child if he only pays him $1000+...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 19, 2007 5:26 PM
Subject: Canon 5D Sale
Hi everyone!
Thanks again for your purchases. Last week a customer purchased 3 Canon
5D's from me and Canon added one more for me by accident, so I'll now have
one extra. If you want a Canon 5D then now's the time, I'm selling it for
$1650 and there is $500 in mail in rebates coming with it. I'll have it in 2
weeks time.
Now, I really need to sell it so I'm offering this: If you don't like it,
return it within 90 days for a full refund. You would only pay to ship it
back to me.
Asif Z
Ed: Another deal too good to be true! And a money back guarantee! This is such a fantastic deal... really, the stuff of fantasy.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 19, 2007 2:25 PM
Subject: Canon and Nikon Quotes and more!
I've included specs on the 40D, a photograph of it, a photograph of the duck
photo I took with a Canon S3 at 300mm, which I didn't like but a lot of
people ended up liking (I had to re-size it so some of the quality is gone).
Here are some more sale prices:
- Canon 40D $1000
- Canon 5D $1650 + There is a $350 Canon mail in rebate that comes with it
- Nikon D200 body $959
- Nikon 18-200 lens $459
And as for your Canon equipment, I'd be glad to take it all off your hands
and sell it myself and give you a great price for it. It would basically
make your purchase almost free if you do it that way.
Specs on Canon 40D:
Most of the major details we've heard before stand, such as the 10.1MP CMOS
sensor, but a couple differ for the better, most notably the 3-inch LCD
display (up from 2.5) and 6.5 fps and 75 large JPEG burst. There also
appears to be a new 802.11b/g wireless transmitter accessory, the WFT-E3A.
Product Features
• 10.1-megapixel CMOS sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality
poster-size prints
• Large 3.0-inch LCD display with enhanced Live View and broadened color
• 6.5 frame-per-second continuous shooting capability (for bursts of up to
75 Large/Fine JPEGs or 17 RAW images)
• sRAW mode; 35-zone metering system; integrated Self-Cleaning Sensor Unit
• Powered by BP-511A, BP-511, or BP-512 lithium-ion battery pack; stores
images on CF cards
Technical Details
• Resolution: Approximately 10.1 million effective pixels (total pixels:
approximately 10.5 million)
• Recording pixels: 3888 x 2592
• Sensor type: CMOS sensor, with primary R-G-B filtration
• Sensor size: 22.2 x 14.8 millimeters
• Pixel size: 5.7 microns square
• Lens focal length factor: 1.6x
• Sensor dust removal: EOS Integrated Cleaning System; active removal of
dust by vibrating front low-pass filter; automatic removal of dust spots, in
Canon Digital Photo Professional software (v. 3.1 or higher)
• Maximum frames per second: 6.5 frames per second (fps) at full resolution
• Maximum number of frames / burst: JPEG: 75; RAW: 17
• Shutter speeds: 30 seconds to 1/8000, plus Bulb (1/3 or 1/2-step
• Flash sync speed: Up to 1/250, with EX-series Speedlites
• Anticipated shutter durability: 100,000 exposures, based on Canon test
• Computer interface: USB 2.0 (Hi-speed)
• Image recording storage media: CompactFlash (CF) cards (type I or II,
including Microdrives)
• Card compatibility: "FAT32" compatible--OK for cards over 2GB
• Image format options: JPEG (choice of "Fine" or "Normal" compression); RAW
(Canon .CR2 RAW file format); RAW + JPEG (any JPEG file size available; JPEG
file written as separate file)
• Analog to digital conversion: 14 bits per channel (16,382 separate tones
from brightest to darkest, for each channel)
• Resolution options: "Large"--3888 x 2592 (approximately 10.1 million
pixels); "Medium"--2816 x 1880 (approximately 5.3 million pixels);
"Small"--1936 x 1288 (approximately 2.5 million pixels)
• File numbering: sRGB color space: IMG_0001.JPG or IMG_0001.CR2; Adobe 1998
RGB color space: first character is always underscore (_)
• Folders: Automatically created for image storage; new folder can be
user-created with "Manual Reset" function; folders cannot be freely selected
on memory card by the photographer
• Highlight tone priority: Expands tonal range of bright highlights by about
one stop; ISO range limited to 200 to 1600; activated by C.Fn II-3-1
• Data verification: "Original Image Data" can be appended to each image via
Custom Function IV-6-1; requires optional Canon Original Data Security Kit
OSK-E3 to check authenticity
• Live View viewing options: Camera's LCD monitor; computer monitor, via
USB; computer monitor, via wireless transmitter WFT-E3A
• Manual focus: Viewed on LCD monitor, with option to magnify focus area 5x
or 10x
• Autofocus: Possible--C.Fn III-6-1 active, press AF On button; mirror drops
down temporarily while AF On button is pressed, allowing AF to function
• Silent mode Live View shoot: Mode 1: First shutter curtain remains open;
shooting up to 6.5 fps possible; Mode 2: Quieter option; 2nd shutter curtain
doesn't close until user's finger is taken off shutter button
• Accessory wireless transmitter: Canon WFT-E3A (optional, dedicated
wireless transmitter)
• Attachment to camera: Attaches to base of camera; totally integrated with
EOS 40D's design
• Wireless transfer methods: 802.11b or 802.11g; link speed: approximately
11 megabits/second (802.11b) or 54 megabits/second (802.11g)
• Connection method: Infrastructure or Ad Hoc (802.11g functions in Ad Hoc
• Maximum wireless distance: Approximately 490 feet (150 meters), if
"receiver" has its own antenna (depends on environment)
• Wireless channels: 11 (in North American market)
• Ethernet (wired) transfer: Yes; Ethernet 100Base-TX (maximum distance
approximately 1,000 feet); link speed: approximately 100 megabits/second
• Transfer options: 1. FTP mode (images sent to folder on host computer); 2.
PTP mode (remote control of camera possible from computer); 3. HTTP mode
(view camera's files using web browser; remote firing of camera possible)
• Security options: Encryption: WEP or TKIP/AES; authentication: open
system, WPA-PSK, or WPA2-PSK
• USB "host" capability: Plug compatible USB devices into WFT-E2A, for use
with the EOS 40D; GPS devices (write GPS time, coordinates, and altitude
info into each file's EXIF info); external hard drive (connect compact
external USB hard drive, and write files directly from camera to the hard
drive as if it's an additional memory card)
• LCD monitor: 3.0-inch (diagonal) TFT color; approximately 100% coverage;
approximately 230,000 pixels on monitor; approximately 140 degrees viewing
• LCD monitor brightness: Adjustable in 7 levels (via Menu)
• Video-out: Yes (to standard TV monitor); NTSC or PAL, selectable on Menu
• Number of AF points: Nine, all cross-type AF points
• Center AF point: Unique hybrid cross-type AF point; world's first
high-precision AF point with both horizontal and vertical high-precision;
additional standard precision, cross-type sensors for lenses from f2.8 to
• AF point selection: 1. Manual AF point selection via 9-way
multi-controller on back of camera; 2. automatic AF point selection
• AF activation: Shutter button, or new AF On button at back of camera
• AF modes: One-Shot AF (for stationary subjects); AI Servo AF (for tracking
moving subjects); AI Focus AF (auto selection of One-Shot or AI Servo AF)
• AF sensor: Entirely new Canon CMOS AF sensor
• AF sensitivity range: EV -0.5 to 18 (at 73 degrees F / 23 degrees C, ISO
• Shutter speeds: 30 seconds to 1/8000 second, plus Bulb (1/3 or 1/2-step
increments); x-sync at 1/250
• ISO range: 100 to 1600, in 1/3-step or full-stop increments; ISO can be
expanded to 3200 via C.Fn I-3-1
• Auto ISO: Can be set in any exposure mode, including P, Tv, Av, and M; ISO
usually based at 400; typical auto range is 100 to 800, depending on
conditions; manual exposure mode: auto ISO fixed at 400
• Exposure modes: Manual, Aperture-priority (Av), Shutter-priority (Tv),
Program AE
• Full-auto modes: Green Zone, Portrait, Landscape, Close-up, Action, Night
Portrait, Flash Off
• Metering: 35-zone metering sensor; Evaluative metering (linked to all AF
points); Center-weighted metering; Partial metering; Spot metering at center
of picture (approximately 3.5% of picture area)
• Metering range: EV 0 to 20 (all patterns, at normal temperatures)
• Exposure compensation: Possible in P, Tv, Av, and A-DEP exposure modes;
+/- up to two stops, in 1/2 or 1/3-stop increments (via Quick Control Dial)
• Autoexposure bracketing: Possible in P, Tv, Av, M, and A-DEP exposure
modes; +/- up to two stops, in 1/2 or 1/3-stop increments
• Compatible flashes: All Canon EX-series Speedlites, including new
Speedlite 580EX II
• Camera menu sets flash: Yes (580EX II only, as of August 2007)
• E-TTL II flash metering: Flash metering not linked to active AF point;
distance from compatible EF lenses now used; entire metering area can be
averaged using Custom Function 14-1
• Modeling flash: 1-second burst of flash possible at 70Hz when
depth-of-field preview button is pressed (580EX/EX II, 550EX, 420EX,
MR-14EX, MT-24EX, and Speedlite transmitter only)
• Wireless E-TTL: Fully compatible, including ratio setting over six-stop
• Flash exposure compensation: Up to +/- 2 stops can be set on camera body
(can also be set on compatible Speedlites)
• Built-in flash: Covers lenses as wide as 17mm (27mm equivalent); Guide
Number 43 (feet)/13 (meters), ISO 100
• Viewfinder focus screen: New interchangeable "Ef" series focusing screens;
standard screen: Ef-A--precision matte screen very similar to EOS 30D;
optional Ef-D screen--precision matte with grid lines; optional Ef-S
screen--Super precision matte (superior manual focusing with fast lenses,
f1.8 to f2.8)
• Viewfinder display: Similar to EOS 30D; new: ISO is always displayed; new:
B/W shooting mode icon; new: maximum burst available now two digits
• Dioptric adjustment: User-set from -3.0 to +1.0 (range can be extended
using optional Canon dioptric Lens E, plus rubber frame Eb)
• Mirror lock-up: Possible via Custom Function III-6-1
• Eyepiece shutter: None (cover is provided on included strap)
• Color space: Standard sRGB or Adobe 1998 RGB (separate setting on Menu)
• White Balance: Auto; Pre-set (Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten,
Fluorescent, Flash); color temperature (set by user from 2500K to 10,000K in
100K increments); custom (shoot white object or 18% gray card, base WB on
that neutral object)
• White Balance correction: Fine-tuning of overall color, in any white
balance mode; amber-blue correction, in 9 steps; magenta-green correction,
in 9 steps; set on graph on LCD monitor, using 9-way controller; both types
of correction can be combined
• White Balance bracketing: Three separate files written with a single click
of the shutter; can be varied in the amber-blue direction, or the
magenta-green direction; can be adjusted up to +/- 15 mireds (equivalent to
3 steps on the 9-step adjust scale); can be combined with standard auto
exposure bracketing (9 files written to CF card)
• Picture style: Extensive range of settings for user to tailor color,
contrast, sharpness, etc. to their preference; same characteristics as
previous EOS SLRs with Picture Style control
• Black and white recording: Set via monochrome setting within Picture
Styles menu
• Computer connection: USB 2.0 Hi-speed, via small "B"-type USB connection
• Remote control: N3-type push-in terminal (same as EOS 20D, EOS-1D Mark II,
• Video-out: Single-pin mini-jack
• Direct Printing compatibility: PictBridge printing to compatible Canon and
other brand printers
• Compatible images: JPEG, RAW, or sRAW, if they comply with DCF protocol
• Preview effects on camera's LCD: Printing effects can be previewed
(includes brightness, levels, contrast, color saturation, color tone, and
color balance--face brightener and red-eye correction cannot be viewed)
• Connection to printer: Via USB cable included with camera
• DPOF image marking: Compatible; images can be "tagged" while reviewing on
LCD monitor
• Battery: BP-511A, BP-511, or BP-512 (rechargeable lithium-ion, same as EOS
30D) (BP-511/BP-512: 1100mAh; BP-511A: 1390mAh)
• Shooting capacity: Approximately 1100 shots (at 68 degrees F / 20 degrees
C); approximately 800 shots (at 32 degrees F / 0 degrees C)
• Charger unit: Canon CB-5L or CG-580 (also can be charged with compact
power adapter CA-PS400)
• AC adapter: AC adapter kit ACK-E2 (optional; consists of adapter AC-E2,
and "dummy battery" DR-400)
• Battery grip (optional): Battery grip BG-E2N or BG-E2
• Date/time back-up battery: CR2016 lithium battery--coin-type;
user-replaceable (estimated life 5 years)
• Body exterior material: Magnesium alloy top, front, and rear covers
• Chassis material: Polycarbonate and stainless steel
• Lens mount: EF lens mount; metal; compatible lenses: all Canon lenses for
EOS cameras
• Compatible with EF-S lenses: Yes
• Custom functions: 24 custom functions, in four distinct categories; 9
entirely new custom functions
• Operating temperature range: 32 degrees to 104 degrees F, at 85% or lower
humidity (0 degrees to 40 degrees C)
• Dimensions (W x H x D): 5.7 x 4.2 x 2.9 inches (145.5 x 108 x 73.5
millimeters), very slightly larger than EOS 30D
• Weight (without battery or CF card): 26.1 ounces (740 grams),
approximately 1.4 ounces (40 grams) heavier than EOS 30D
Ed: Check out Asif's sales pitch. C'mon Jakub, just send the money, the deal is great!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 19, 2007 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: Canon and Nikon Quotes and more!
To: "A. Z."
Hey Asif, that really is a nice duck picture, I can see why everyone
likes it. I was surprised at what a good result you go in overcast
conditions. If you are ever really bored, check out my Flickr stuff
I know I'm still a point and shoot hack but maybe some day I will get
better. Thanks for the 40D specs, they are both promising and
underwhelming but I would be surprised if I don't end up getting it.
BTW if you ever want to sail Georgian Bay some time the offer still
stands, it would be fun to chat photography over beers under sail.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 20, 2007 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: Canon and Nikon Quotes and more!
Thanks Jakub!
I like the photos, especially the ones on the water.
I was hoping I could convince you to take that 5D off my hands for $1650
($1150 with the $500 mail in rebate). I'm pretty desperate to sell it!
If you know anyone who may be interested please pass the word. :)
Asif Z
Ed: Jeez, I never would have guessed that Asif was pushing that 5D, would you? But then, if it's just sitting there, extra inventory, why do buyers always have to pay in advance?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 20, 2007 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: Canon and Nikon Quotes and more!
To: "A. Z."
Hi Asif,
I tried to talk my father-in-law into going for the 5D but I was
unsuccessful. He used to really lust for it but with it being over 2
years old he feels it is a bit outdated now. He will go the cheap
route and buy my 30D and 17-85 IS when I buy the 40D from you. It
will probably be easy for you to sell when you have it in hand, the
price is half that of retail it so its a no brainer for the right
buyer. If I had the money I would go for both the 40D and the 5D (but
I want to stay married). I will do my best to pass the word.
Good luck
Ed: Jakub resists temptation and is $1650 richer for it today (or only $700 poorer, whatever).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Sep 10, 2007 11:35 AM
Subject: Fwd: FYI: INTERAC Email Money Transfer to Asif Z accepted
To: "A. Z."
Hi Asif,
Any idea of when the lens will arrive?
Ed: Uh oh...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Sep 11, 2007 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: FYI: INTERAC Email Money Transfer to Asif Z accepted
To: "A. Z."
you may want to check this out
I really hope that you plan to deliver on the lens because I will take
every legal and otherwise action to recover my money if not. Come on
man, you are a nice guy, dont let this get out of hand.
Ed: And the truth sinks in.
Worse, one of the people (Pat) has been waiting almost a year and a half for merchandise. This is long before Asif claimed to have been a victim of identity theft. And regardless of his claims, the people owed money all have evidence that Asif Zamir acknowledges that the transactions were legitimate and not a result of identity theft.
Furthermore, if somebody had really hacked Asif Zamir's ebay account, and if ebay had found his claim to have had any merit, would they not have reinstated his ebay privileges? Of course they would have, but they never did. Asif has never been back in business on ebay.
Asif Zamir never answered the official dispute I filed with ebay. He ignored it, and ebay compensated me to their maximum of $175. But if the transaction had been legitimate in the first place, if Asif intended to refund my money and if he really cared about his reputation on ebay, he would have responded to the dispute and refunded my money. I believe that the suspension of Asif's ebay account had nothing to do with any hacking. Of course, he would have been banned anyway by not responding to my dispute, so maybe mine was not the first dispute he ignored.
Anyway, on to the main point of this entry; Jakub, one of the two people who contacted me this week, was solicited by Asif Zamir this summer, having been one of his "successful" past transactions. Jakub paid Asif and found this blog when Asif stopped responding to his emails. He has now contacted the police and graciously allowed me to post his full email correspondence with Asif. I've organized the email exchange so that the top is the first email and the bottom is the last. I've commented on the exchange throughout.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Jun 15, 2007 11:26 AM
Subject: re: Camera and lens sale
I'm sending this email because you purchased a camera or lens from me on
Ebay in the past and I'd like to tell you about my current sale. I'm selling
presale items again at up to 40% off retail. So please email me for price
quotes if you'd like. :)
Ed: Woohoo! You give away 40% less money than you would otherwise have!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Jul 19, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: New Sales
Hi Everyone,
One last sales letter!
If you need a price quote for any item just email me, I'm having a sale that
will end on July 27, everything 30% -50% off retail. Free shipping within
Canada and I can get almost any item, not just Canon anymore.
Here are some specials that will expire early, on July 23rd. They include an
additional 10% discount:
- Canon XTi body only kit: $600
- Canon Xti w/ 18-55: $700
- Canon 17-85mm lens: $500
- Canon S5 IS camera: $400
- CANON EF-S 10-22MM 3.5-4.5 USM LENS: $805
I had my identity stolen earlier this year and now I'm offering big
discounts to get the business back up and running. :)
Asif Z
Ed: What, no takers? Hey, he's gotta pay his rent! He claims his identity was stolen, but he won't mention what else was stolen!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 8, 2007 6:09 PM
Subject: 50% off all Canon / Nikon Cameras and Lenses
Hi Everyone,
I'm having a 50% off sale on all cameras and lenses. Basically it's 50%
off any advertised retail price (like on or etc.) for
both Canon and Nikon.
Delivery time is 3-4 weeks and delivery is free via FedEX within Canada.
Payment via: Interac
It's a fantastic opportunity. Some prices:
- Canon Rebel Xti (black or silver) w / 18-55 lens $499.00
- Canon 17-85mm lens $399.00
I'm putting in bulk orders every friday, this sale ends August 24th.
Thanks again!
Asif Z
Ed: Prices too good to be true!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 8, 2007 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: 50% off all Canon / Nikon Cameras and Lenses
To: "A. Z."
Hi Asif Zamir,
I would like to get the Canon EF 24-105mm IS L F4 lens, What price can
you do it for? Also, when the 40D comes out in a few months I will be
interested in purchasing that from you if possible. I am still quite
happy with the 30D and the 17-85 IS I bought from you last summer.
Please include your phone number and address with your reply, I seem
to have misplaced this info since we last spoke.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 10, 2007 2:31 PM
Subject: Interested in ordering a lens
To: "A. Z."
Asif, are you still there?
---------- Forwarded message
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 10, 2007 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: 50% off all Canon / Nikon Cameras and Lenses
Hi Jacub,
The EF 25-105mm IS L F4 $700. And I'll give you a good price on the 40D if
you purchase it from me when it becomes available.
4 Hxxxxxxxx Road,
Brampton Ontario xxx xxx
:) If you would like to purchase, you can send an Interac like before.
Delivery is the same as last time, about 3-4 weeks (you should allow up to
30 days). And I'll use FedEx.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 10, 2007 7:00 PM
Subject: RE: Interested in ordering a lens
Hi Jacub,
Sorry I was in NY for a couple of days. :) I sent an email a few minutes
ago with the price and so on :)
Ed: Ah, trips to NY. I wonder whose money he used.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 12, 2007 8:24 PM
Subject: RE: Interested in ordering a lens
:) Hi Ed,
It was nice to speak to you lastnight.
I forgot to mention one thing: If you end up ordering the 5D + lens kit for
$2300, once you've received it, you can send me your 30D + 17-85mm lens and
I'll sell it and give you $550. That way I make more money and you get an
even better deal. Or you can sell it yourself on Ebay or anywhere else. That
will further reduce the price for you. :)
Anyway, just an idea :)
Thanks again!
Ed: Only $700? If you'd give me a couple of grand for that 5D, that would be really cool! And btw, what the hell is with Asif not being able to get Jakub's name right?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 13, 2007 1:36 AM
Subject: Re: Interested in ordering a lens
To: "A. Z."
Hi Asif,
For now I'm going to just go with the Canon 24-105 mm f4 L IS. There
are reports that the 5D does not work well with my 100-400mm lens in
terms of image quality. Also I don't like losing the 35mm equiv.16mm
my 10-22mm lens gives a cropped sensor body. If the 40D is a bigger
jump than the 30D was from the 20D I will probably go for that. My
father in law will likely buy my 30D and 17-85mm for around a grand.
I appreciate your offer to take it in though as eBay selling is too
much of a hassle for me.
I excitedly look forward to getting this awesome Canon 24-105 mm f4 L
IS lens from you with any luck in the even quicker time frame you
noted as possible. I am really thrilled an entity such as yourself
exists to make the pricing of this expensive equipment bearable. I
hope you stay in the biz for a really, really long time. I have sent
the 700 dollars and the security question should be easy to answer for
you, extra hint it is a plain English word that preceded backking05.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TD Canada Trust
Date: Aug 13, 2007 9:45 AM
Subject: FYI: INTERAC Email Money Transfer to Asif Z accepted
The INTERAC Email Money Transfer for $700.00 (CAD) you sent to Asif Z was accepted. The transfer is now complete.
Recipient's Message: A message was not provided
Thank you for using TD Canada Trust's INTERAC Email Money Transfer service.
Need help?
Ed: The damage is done.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 18, 2007 5:32 PM
Subject: Canon 40D!!
Thanks Jakub,
I received your payment and your lens has been ordered.
As of yesterday we have news on the Canon 40D release date and price:
It will be available in stores in Canada on or around September 21. The
retail price for the body only kit will be about $1600 to $1800 plus taxes.
We start presales for this item on Monday August 20th, and I am selling them
for $1,300 tax included. However if you want one, I'll be glad to sell it to
you for $1,000 since you also recently purchased a lens from me. :) So
that's the news on the Canon 40D! If you want one by September 21st, the
first day it comes out, here's your chance!
Thank's again Jacub! I appreciate your business.
Asif Zamir
Ed: Isn't that nice? Asif will sell Jakub a camera for very little just because he bought something else from him! Wow, what a guy!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 19, 2007 4:14 PM
Subject: Canon 5D
Hi Jakub - sorry I think I spelled your name wrong in my last email.
Just to clarify: Canon 5D comes with the $350 mail in rebate plus I get
another $150 rebate, I'll be glad to pass it on to you as well, that's $500
Asif Z
Ed: My goodness, it looks like Jakub might get offered Asif's firstborn child if he only pays him $1000+...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 19, 2007 5:26 PM
Subject: Canon 5D Sale
Hi everyone!
Thanks again for your purchases. Last week a customer purchased 3 Canon
5D's from me and Canon added one more for me by accident, so I'll now have
one extra. If you want a Canon 5D then now's the time, I'm selling it for
$1650 and there is $500 in mail in rebates coming with it. I'll have it in 2
weeks time.
Now, I really need to sell it so I'm offering this: If you don't like it,
return it within 90 days for a full refund. You would only pay to ship it
back to me.
Asif Z
Ed: Another deal too good to be true! And a money back guarantee! This is such a fantastic deal... really, the stuff of fantasy.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 19, 2007 2:25 PM
Subject: Canon and Nikon Quotes and more!
I've included specs on the 40D, a photograph of it, a photograph of the duck
photo I took with a Canon S3 at 300mm, which I didn't like but a lot of
people ended up liking (I had to re-size it so some of the quality is gone).
Here are some more sale prices:
- Canon 40D $1000
- Canon 5D $1650 + There is a $350 Canon mail in rebate that comes with it
- Nikon D200 body $959
- Nikon 18-200 lens $459
And as for your Canon equipment, I'd be glad to take it all off your hands
and sell it myself and give you a great price for it. It would basically
make your purchase almost free if you do it that way.
Specs on Canon 40D:
Most of the major details we've heard before stand, such as the 10.1MP CMOS
sensor, but a couple differ for the better, most notably the 3-inch LCD
display (up from 2.5) and 6.5 fps and 75 large JPEG burst. There also
appears to be a new 802.11b/g wireless transmitter accessory, the WFT-E3A.
Product Features
• 10.1-megapixel CMOS sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality
poster-size prints
• Large 3.0-inch LCD display with enhanced Live View and broadened color
• 6.5 frame-per-second continuous shooting capability (for bursts of up to
75 Large/Fine JPEGs or 17 RAW images)
• sRAW mode; 35-zone metering system; integrated Self-Cleaning Sensor Unit
• Powered by BP-511A, BP-511, or BP-512 lithium-ion battery pack; stores
images on CF cards
Technical Details
• Resolution: Approximately 10.1 million effective pixels (total pixels:
approximately 10.5 million)
• Recording pixels: 3888 x 2592
• Sensor type: CMOS sensor, with primary R-G-B filtration
• Sensor size: 22.2 x 14.8 millimeters
• Pixel size: 5.7 microns square
• Lens focal length factor: 1.6x
• Sensor dust removal: EOS Integrated Cleaning System; active removal of
dust by vibrating front low-pass filter; automatic removal of dust spots, in
Canon Digital Photo Professional software (v. 3.1 or higher)
• Maximum frames per second: 6.5 frames per second (fps) at full resolution
• Maximum number of frames / burst: JPEG: 75; RAW: 17
• Shutter speeds: 30 seconds to 1/8000, plus Bulb (1/3 or 1/2-step
• Flash sync speed: Up to 1/250, with EX-series Speedlites
• Anticipated shutter durability: 100,000 exposures, based on Canon test
• Computer interface: USB 2.0 (Hi-speed)
• Image recording storage media: CompactFlash (CF) cards (type I or II,
including Microdrives)
• Card compatibility: "FAT32" compatible--OK for cards over 2GB
• Image format options: JPEG (choice of "Fine" or "Normal" compression); RAW
(Canon .CR2 RAW file format); RAW + JPEG (any JPEG file size available; JPEG
file written as separate file)
• Analog to digital conversion: 14 bits per channel (16,382 separate tones
from brightest to darkest, for each channel)
• Resolution options: "Large"--3888 x 2592 (approximately 10.1 million
pixels); "Medium"--2816 x 1880 (approximately 5.3 million pixels);
"Small"--1936 x 1288 (approximately 2.5 million pixels)
• File numbering: sRGB color space: IMG_0001.JPG or IMG_0001.CR2; Adobe 1998
RGB color space: first character is always underscore (_)
• Folders: Automatically created for image storage; new folder can be
user-created with "Manual Reset" function; folders cannot be freely selected
on memory card by the photographer
• Highlight tone priority: Expands tonal range of bright highlights by about
one stop; ISO range limited to 200 to 1600; activated by C.Fn II-3-1
• Data verification: "Original Image Data" can be appended to each image via
Custom Function IV-6-1; requires optional Canon Original Data Security Kit
OSK-E3 to check authenticity
• Live View viewing options: Camera's LCD monitor; computer monitor, via
USB; computer monitor, via wireless transmitter WFT-E3A
• Manual focus: Viewed on LCD monitor, with option to magnify focus area 5x
or 10x
• Autofocus: Possible--C.Fn III-6-1 active, press AF On button; mirror drops
down temporarily while AF On button is pressed, allowing AF to function
• Silent mode Live View shoot: Mode 1: First shutter curtain remains open;
shooting up to 6.5 fps possible; Mode 2: Quieter option; 2nd shutter curtain
doesn't close until user's finger is taken off shutter button
• Accessory wireless transmitter: Canon WFT-E3A (optional, dedicated
wireless transmitter)
• Attachment to camera: Attaches to base of camera; totally integrated with
EOS 40D's design
• Wireless transfer methods: 802.11b or 802.11g; link speed: approximately
11 megabits/second (802.11b) or 54 megabits/second (802.11g)
• Connection method: Infrastructure or Ad Hoc (802.11g functions in Ad Hoc
• Maximum wireless distance: Approximately 490 feet (150 meters), if
"receiver" has its own antenna (depends on environment)
• Wireless channels: 11 (in North American market)
• Ethernet (wired) transfer: Yes; Ethernet 100Base-TX (maximum distance
approximately 1,000 feet); link speed: approximately 100 megabits/second
• Transfer options: 1. FTP mode (images sent to folder on host computer); 2.
PTP mode (remote control of camera possible from computer); 3. HTTP mode
(view camera's files using web browser; remote firing of camera possible)
• Security options: Encryption: WEP or TKIP/AES; authentication: open
system, WPA-PSK, or WPA2-PSK
• USB "host" capability: Plug compatible USB devices into WFT-E2A, for use
with the EOS 40D; GPS devices (write GPS time, coordinates, and altitude
info into each file's EXIF info); external hard drive (connect compact
external USB hard drive, and write files directly from camera to the hard
drive as if it's an additional memory card)
• LCD monitor: 3.0-inch (diagonal) TFT color; approximately 100% coverage;
approximately 230,000 pixels on monitor; approximately 140 degrees viewing
• LCD monitor brightness: Adjustable in 7 levels (via Menu)
• Video-out: Yes (to standard TV monitor); NTSC or PAL, selectable on Menu
• Number of AF points: Nine, all cross-type AF points
• Center AF point: Unique hybrid cross-type AF point; world's first
high-precision AF point with both horizontal and vertical high-precision;
additional standard precision, cross-type sensors for lenses from f2.8 to
• AF point selection: 1. Manual AF point selection via 9-way
multi-controller on back of camera; 2. automatic AF point selection
• AF activation: Shutter button, or new AF On button at back of camera
• AF modes: One-Shot AF (for stationary subjects); AI Servo AF (for tracking
moving subjects); AI Focus AF (auto selection of One-Shot or AI Servo AF)
• AF sensor: Entirely new Canon CMOS AF sensor
• AF sensitivity range: EV -0.5 to 18 (at 73 degrees F / 23 degrees C, ISO
• Shutter speeds: 30 seconds to 1/8000 second, plus Bulb (1/3 or 1/2-step
increments); x-sync at 1/250
• ISO range: 100 to 1600, in 1/3-step or full-stop increments; ISO can be
expanded to 3200 via C.Fn I-3-1
• Auto ISO: Can be set in any exposure mode, including P, Tv, Av, and M; ISO
usually based at 400; typical auto range is 100 to 800, depending on
conditions; manual exposure mode: auto ISO fixed at 400
• Exposure modes: Manual, Aperture-priority (Av), Shutter-priority (Tv),
Program AE
• Full-auto modes: Green Zone, Portrait, Landscape, Close-up, Action, Night
Portrait, Flash Off
• Metering: 35-zone metering sensor; Evaluative metering (linked to all AF
points); Center-weighted metering; Partial metering; Spot metering at center
of picture (approximately 3.5% of picture area)
• Metering range: EV 0 to 20 (all patterns, at normal temperatures)
• Exposure compensation: Possible in P, Tv, Av, and A-DEP exposure modes;
+/- up to two stops, in 1/2 or 1/3-stop increments (via Quick Control Dial)
• Autoexposure bracketing: Possible in P, Tv, Av, M, and A-DEP exposure
modes; +/- up to two stops, in 1/2 or 1/3-stop increments
• Compatible flashes: All Canon EX-series Speedlites, including new
Speedlite 580EX II
• Camera menu sets flash: Yes (580EX II only, as of August 2007)
• E-TTL II flash metering: Flash metering not linked to active AF point;
distance from compatible EF lenses now used; entire metering area can be
averaged using Custom Function 14-1
• Modeling flash: 1-second burst of flash possible at 70Hz when
depth-of-field preview button is pressed (580EX/EX II, 550EX, 420EX,
MR-14EX, MT-24EX, and Speedlite transmitter only)
• Wireless E-TTL: Fully compatible, including ratio setting over six-stop
• Flash exposure compensation: Up to +/- 2 stops can be set on camera body
(can also be set on compatible Speedlites)
• Built-in flash: Covers lenses as wide as 17mm (27mm equivalent); Guide
Number 43 (feet)/13 (meters), ISO 100
• Viewfinder focus screen: New interchangeable "Ef" series focusing screens;
standard screen: Ef-A--precision matte screen very similar to EOS 30D;
optional Ef-D screen--precision matte with grid lines; optional Ef-S
screen--Super precision matte (superior manual focusing with fast lenses,
f1.8 to f2.8)
• Viewfinder display: Similar to EOS 30D; new: ISO is always displayed; new:
B/W shooting mode icon; new: maximum burst available now two digits
• Dioptric adjustment: User-set from -3.0 to +1.0 (range can be extended
using optional Canon dioptric Lens E, plus rubber frame Eb)
• Mirror lock-up: Possible via Custom Function III-6-1
• Eyepiece shutter: None (cover is provided on included strap)
• Color space: Standard sRGB or Adobe 1998 RGB (separate setting on Menu)
• White Balance: Auto; Pre-set (Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten,
Fluorescent, Flash); color temperature (set by user from 2500K to 10,000K in
100K increments); custom (shoot white object or 18% gray card, base WB on
that neutral object)
• White Balance correction: Fine-tuning of overall color, in any white
balance mode; amber-blue correction, in 9 steps; magenta-green correction,
in 9 steps; set on graph on LCD monitor, using 9-way controller; both types
of correction can be combined
• White Balance bracketing: Three separate files written with a single click
of the shutter; can be varied in the amber-blue direction, or the
magenta-green direction; can be adjusted up to +/- 15 mireds (equivalent to
3 steps on the 9-step adjust scale); can be combined with standard auto
exposure bracketing (9 files written to CF card)
• Picture style: Extensive range of settings for user to tailor color,
contrast, sharpness, etc. to their preference; same characteristics as
previous EOS SLRs with Picture Style control
• Black and white recording: Set via monochrome setting within Picture
Styles menu
• Computer connection: USB 2.0 Hi-speed, via small "B"-type USB connection
• Remote control: N3-type push-in terminal (same as EOS 20D, EOS-1D Mark II,
• Video-out: Single-pin mini-jack
• Direct Printing compatibility: PictBridge printing to compatible Canon and
other brand printers
• Compatible images: JPEG, RAW, or sRAW, if they comply with DCF protocol
• Preview effects on camera's LCD: Printing effects can be previewed
(includes brightness, levels, contrast, color saturation, color tone, and
color balance--face brightener and red-eye correction cannot be viewed)
• Connection to printer: Via USB cable included with camera
• DPOF image marking: Compatible; images can be "tagged" while reviewing on
LCD monitor
• Battery: BP-511A, BP-511, or BP-512 (rechargeable lithium-ion, same as EOS
30D) (BP-511/BP-512: 1100mAh; BP-511A: 1390mAh)
• Shooting capacity: Approximately 1100 shots (at 68 degrees F / 20 degrees
C); approximately 800 shots (at 32 degrees F / 0 degrees C)
• Charger unit: Canon CB-5L or CG-580 (also can be charged with compact
power adapter CA-PS400)
• AC adapter: AC adapter kit ACK-E2 (optional; consists of adapter AC-E2,
and "dummy battery" DR-400)
• Battery grip (optional): Battery grip BG-E2N or BG-E2
• Date/time back-up battery: CR2016 lithium battery--coin-type;
user-replaceable (estimated life 5 years)
• Body exterior material: Magnesium alloy top, front, and rear covers
• Chassis material: Polycarbonate and stainless steel
• Lens mount: EF lens mount; metal; compatible lenses: all Canon lenses for
EOS cameras
• Compatible with EF-S lenses: Yes
• Custom functions: 24 custom functions, in four distinct categories; 9
entirely new custom functions
• Operating temperature range: 32 degrees to 104 degrees F, at 85% or lower
humidity (0 degrees to 40 degrees C)
• Dimensions (W x H x D): 5.7 x 4.2 x 2.9 inches (145.5 x 108 x 73.5
millimeters), very slightly larger than EOS 30D
• Weight (without battery or CF card): 26.1 ounces (740 grams),
approximately 1.4 ounces (40 grams) heavier than EOS 30D
Ed: Check out Asif's sales pitch. C'mon Jakub, just send the money, the deal is great!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 19, 2007 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: Canon and Nikon Quotes and more!
To: "A. Z."
Hey Asif, that really is a nice duck picture, I can see why everyone
likes it. I was surprised at what a good result you go in overcast
conditions. If you are ever really bored, check out my Flickr stuff
I know I'm still a point and shoot hack but maybe some day I will get
better. Thanks for the 40D specs, they are both promising and
underwhelming but I would be surprised if I don't end up getting it.
BTW if you ever want to sail Georgian Bay some time the offer still
stands, it would be fun to chat photography over beers under sail.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Z.
Date: Aug 20, 2007 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: Canon and Nikon Quotes and more!
Thanks Jakub!
I like the photos, especially the ones on the water.
I was hoping I could convince you to take that 5D off my hands for $1650
($1150 with the $500 mail in rebate). I'm pretty desperate to sell it!
If you know anyone who may be interested please pass the word. :)
Asif Z
Ed: Jeez, I never would have guessed that Asif was pushing that 5D, would you? But then, if it's just sitting there, extra inventory, why do buyers always have to pay in advance?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Aug 20, 2007 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: Canon and Nikon Quotes and more!
To: "A. Z."
Hi Asif,
I tried to talk my father-in-law into going for the 5D but I was
unsuccessful. He used to really lust for it but with it being over 2
years old he feels it is a bit outdated now. He will go the cheap
route and buy my 30D and 17-85 IS when I buy the 40D from you. It
will probably be easy for you to sell when you have it in hand, the
price is half that of retail it so its a no brainer for the right
buyer. If I had the money I would go for both the 40D and the 5D (but
I want to stay married). I will do my best to pass the word.
Good luck
Ed: Jakub resists temptation and is $1650 richer for it today (or only $700 poorer, whatever).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Sep 10, 2007 11:35 AM
Subject: Fwd: FYI: INTERAC Email Money Transfer to Asif Z accepted
To: "A. Z."
Hi Asif,
Any idea of when the lens will arrive?
Ed: Uh oh...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub < >
Date: Sep 11, 2007 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: FYI: INTERAC Email Money Transfer to Asif Z accepted
To: "A. Z."
you may want to check this out
I really hope that you plan to deliver on the lens because I will take
every legal and otherwise action to recover my money if not. Come on
man, you are a nice guy, dont let this get out of hand.
Ed: And the truth sinks in.
The Phone Call
One day once I realized that I had a big problem with Asif Zamir and that the chances of getting repaid were ever diminishing, I received a phone call. The man gave me important information regarding where Asif lived, and told me to contact the police. In doing so, I joined a community of people who were all waiting for money back from Asif.
At this point Asif had stopped acknowledging any of my telephone messages and emails. I sent him a letter of demand, essentially a letter insisting he refund my money by a specific date or I would take legal action against him. I sent this registered mail (from a legal perspective this is a good practice). Some days later the letter was returned to me unopened. It was not that it had not been received, Asif Zamir deliberately refused to accept it. I still have the envelope marked as "Refused by addressee". So, whatever good faith I had imagined to be present disappeared. It was now clear that Asif had no desire to return the money he owed me.
At this point Asif had stopped acknowledging any of my telephone messages and emails. I sent him a letter of demand, essentially a letter insisting he refund my money by a specific date or I would take legal action against him. I sent this registered mail (from a legal perspective this is a good practice). Some days later the letter was returned to me unopened. It was not that it had not been received, Asif Zamir deliberately refused to accept it. I still have the envelope marked as "Refused by addressee". So, whatever good faith I had imagined to be present disappeared. It was now clear that Asif had no desire to return the money he owed me.
Asif Zamir's Web Posts
I thought it might be interesting for you readers to get an idea of why I thought Asif was going to not abscond with my money. When I googled him, these are the results I got:
"I pray for peace everyday"
"I have friends that do full time missions in Algeria!"
"I have christian missionary friends in the Yogyakarta area so I appreciate your blog."
"I know of a guy named Asif Zamir in Toronto Canada who had done something similar with some friends. Offering $20 / hour (Canadian $) for some general labour including office work, including full training and transportation. This was for full time work, but most of the people a.) Didn't show up b.) Were intoxicated when the showed up c.) showed up but didn't do any work."
"I pray for peace everyday"
"I have friends that do full time missions in Algeria!"
"I have christian missionary friends in the Yogyakarta area so I appreciate your blog."
"I know of a guy named Asif Zamir in Toronto Canada who had done something similar with some friends. Offering $20 / hour (Canadian $) for some general labour including office work, including full training and transportation. This was for full time work, but most of the people a.) Didn't show up b.) Were intoxicated when the showed up c.) showed up but didn't do any work."
Asif Zamir Owes Pat and Jakub Money Too!
I am sorry to say that in the short time that this blog has been in operation, two people have come forward with claims that they too are owed money/camera equipment from Asif Zamir. Pat's claim dates back more than 1 year!
If we look at just the people I have been in direct contact with this week, the total owed by Asif is just over $3000! I am afraid that the longer this goes, the more people are going to come forward.
If we look at just the people I have been in direct contact with this week, the total owed by Asif is just over $3000! I am afraid that the longer this goes, the more people are going to come forward.
Testimonial: Mike Paterson
I'm collecting stories of people who are or have been owed money by Asif Zamir. Below is the Mike Paterson's experience with him written April 20th, 2007. Since that time, Mike has gotten back $1000 of the $1500 owed to him thanks to the tireless efforts of a Toronto fraud detective who had been pestering Asif for months. Now, of course, the detective cannot reach Asif anymore, so cases like mine remain unresolved.
This is an email in regards to Asif Zamir. This is my story and I would really appreciate if you could reply with your story. How much money you're out, the time it's taken to date, anything you can think that would be of importance that would help in having him charged and convicted for fraud. I will also be filing suit against him and anyone is welcome to join me. The more people we have against him the better.
I first dealt with Asif Zamir roughly a year or so ago. I found his ad on Ebay but realized he was local.
I called up the number and he told me he had a camera on him and that he could deliver it to me the very next day which he did. That was a Rebel XT which a bought slightly used for $700.00. After roughly a few months I called him again and ordered an L series lens. It was an F4 300mm IS Prime. He told me it would take 3 weeks. After a month passed I started calling him and he gave me the run around. He told me this was unusual so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I finally did receive my lens after 3 months. He told me because it was something not usually ordered was the reason why it took so long. He also said because it took so long that I would get a refund of $200.00. To date I have still not received this money. I did give him the benefit of the doubt and decided to try one more time. This time I ordered a 30D camera body and an S710 7.1 MP for my girlfriend for Christmas 2006. I originally ordered the 30D at the end of August 2006 after selling my previous camera to a friend. I was thinking it would only be a couple weeks like Asif told me because it was a stock item that was very popular and there wouldn't be any issues. 6 weeks went by then I called him. I had to call him. He then told me the shipment had come in 2 weeks but was damaged and he didn't have the money to put up front for another one. I told him okay I'll pay him and then he can just order another one for me. I payed him $1100.00 on Oct. 18th/06 and then sent him a money order for another $380.00 on the 19th of Oct. for an S710 camera for my girlfriend. That was supposed to be a gift for Christmas. After countless emails and phone calls, I have received nothing but stress. At one point he gave me a loaner camera because so much time had passed and I had missed 2 opportunities in Central America for some wildlife photography. I was going away again and told him he'd better get something to me for the next trip which he did. One day before I went away. He also told me if my 30D didn't come in on time (he'd told me it had been shipped) that he would give me half price on the camera. Later he changed his statement and said that if I didn't have (A) camera by the time I went away that I would get half off. He loaned me one just in time and said because he got me a camera in time that there was no half off anymore.
That was a lie. I've been told by him that he had my cameras when I came back from vacation. He sent me an email saying we could meet up and exchange the loaner for the ones I had purchased. I thought great.
Finally. I phoned and phoned. I emailed him and nothing. Another letdown. I kept emailing and phoning getting no response. Finally he responded telling me that he returned my cameras to Canon and that I would get a refund as soon as they sent him the refund.
Another lie. Why the hell would he send them back if he had them? This guy must think people are really stupid. I also have emails and phone messages stating when I would get my money by. I have in writing that I would have it 2 weeks at the latest from Feb.28th/07.
That would be March 14th. Still nothing and still nothing to date. Now he's talked to Detective Lemkie and told him that the loaner was the camera I had purchased. Another lie. I have proof that it's not.
This is basically my story. I ask that you please do the same and reply back with your phone numbers and addresses. I will be using this as evidence against him in a lawsuit. As I stated, anyone who wishes to join me is more than welcome. This guy has to be stopped. I know he's still selling cameras. He will continue to do this as long as he can get away with it. Thank you for your time."
This is an email in regards to Asif Zamir. This is my story and I would really appreciate if you could reply with your story. How much money you're out, the time it's taken to date, anything you can think that would be of importance that would help in having him charged and convicted for fraud. I will also be filing suit against him and anyone is welcome to join me. The more people we have against him the better.
I first dealt with Asif Zamir roughly a year or so ago. I found his ad on Ebay but realized he was local.
I called up the number and he told me he had a camera on him and that he could deliver it to me the very next day which he did. That was a Rebel XT which a bought slightly used for $700.00. After roughly a few months I called him again and ordered an L series lens. It was an F4 300mm IS Prime. He told me it would take 3 weeks. After a month passed I started calling him and he gave me the run around. He told me this was unusual so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I finally did receive my lens after 3 months. He told me because it was something not usually ordered was the reason why it took so long. He also said because it took so long that I would get a refund of $200.00. To date I have still not received this money. I did give him the benefit of the doubt and decided to try one more time. This time I ordered a 30D camera body and an S710 7.1 MP for my girlfriend for Christmas 2006. I originally ordered the 30D at the end of August 2006 after selling my previous camera to a friend. I was thinking it would only be a couple weeks like Asif told me because it was a stock item that was very popular and there wouldn't be any issues. 6 weeks went by then I called him. I had to call him. He then told me the shipment had come in 2 weeks but was damaged and he didn't have the money to put up front for another one. I told him okay I'll pay him and then he can just order another one for me. I payed him $1100.00 on Oct. 18th/06 and then sent him a money order for another $380.00 on the 19th of Oct. for an S710 camera for my girlfriend. That was supposed to be a gift for Christmas. After countless emails and phone calls, I have received nothing but stress. At one point he gave me a loaner camera because so much time had passed and I had missed 2 opportunities in Central America for some wildlife photography. I was going away again and told him he'd better get something to me for the next trip which he did. One day before I went away. He also told me if my 30D didn't come in on time (he'd told me it had been shipped) that he would give me half price on the camera. Later he changed his statement and said that if I didn't have (A) camera by the time I went away that I would get half off. He loaned me one just in time and said because he got me a camera in time that there was no half off anymore.
That was a lie. I've been told by him that he had my cameras when I came back from vacation. He sent me an email saying we could meet up and exchange the loaner for the ones I had purchased. I thought great.
Finally. I phoned and phoned. I emailed him and nothing. Another letdown. I kept emailing and phoning getting no response. Finally he responded telling me that he returned my cameras to Canon and that I would get a refund as soon as they sent him the refund.
Another lie. Why the hell would he send them back if he had them? This guy must think people are really stupid. I also have emails and phone messages stating when I would get my money by. I have in writing that I would have it 2 weeks at the latest from Feb.28th/07.
That would be March 14th. Still nothing and still nothing to date. Now he's talked to Detective Lemkie and told him that the loaner was the camera I had purchased. Another lie. I have proof that it's not.
This is basically my story. I ask that you please do the same and reply back with your phone numbers and addresses. I will be using this as evidence against him in a lawsuit. As I stated, anyone who wishes to join me is more than welcome. This guy has to be stopped. I know he's still selling cameras. He will continue to do this as long as he can get away with it. Thank you for your time."
The reason Asif owes me $1190 instead of $900 is that before the sale he agreed to provide me with a lens kit as well. Just thought I should clarify.
Yeah, so even though I have not seen my money since mid-January 2007, it appears that Asif Zamir continues to try to drum up business with others. As you can read in the comments from a previous post, as recently as a month ago Asif was taking money from others.
When Asif's ebay account was suspended last January, I still had faith. I really believed that he would come through. Then I called him and left a message. He was relatively quick to respond:
"Hi Robert,
Basically some hacker / identity stealer tried to get into my Ebay account and he's causing some trouble with some of my legitimate buyers. I've asked Ebay to investigated and I'm filing a complaint with the police as soon as Ebay tells me what's going on.
Otherwise your order is perfectly fine, I'll have it this month to ship to you!
If' you sen't other email I'll get to them in the next few days."
I was not exactly relieved to read this, but at least he wrote back! (On a side note, I imagine he intends to file a police complaint about the hacking right after OJ finds the real killers). But the seeds of doubt were sown. I started to call him and look into his website (since shut down). I called the toll free number, which was disconnected and looked at what services were supposedly offered. When I saw a fixed price list for things like "Business Plans" I knew that this website was unadulterated bullshit. My heart sank.
I then decided that a refund ASAP was the only way to go, because every other customer would be asking for one very shortly, if they hadn't already. So, I wrote this to him:
"Hello Asif,
I have called you 3 times today (and once 3 days ago) and now I am sending you a formal demand to refund my payment for the Nikon camera as is specified in your advertisement for the camera.
I have filed a dispute with ebay and fully expect an immediate refund. If you fail to respond, I am prepared to pursue all legal means at my disposal to recover my payment."
After that, the conversation became more of a one way affair with me writing things like this:
Given that you have neither delivered the item I paid for nor have you returned my telephone calls, I am forced to demand that you return my $1,190 CAD payment in full as promised in you ebay advertisement for the item.
I am going to reiterate in writing what I have just said to you on the telephone:
It is now approximately 9:50 EST February 19, 2007 and I insist that you refund the money I paid to you in the amount of $1,190 CAD for the ebay purchase of the "Brand New Nikon D80 10.2 Megapixel + 1GB Memory Card" Ebay item number 200069106501 by 5:00 p.m. February 20, 2007.
If you fail to refund the $1,190 CAD in its entirety by the specified time I will take the following actions:
1) I will contact the Toronto Metropolitan police and the RCMP and file a criminal fraud complaint against you, Asif Zamir living at x xxxxxxxx, Apartment xxx, Brampton Ontario.
2) I will sue you in civil court to recover the money owed, damages and costs.
The proper resolution of this issue is in your hands now. I pray you do the right thing."
And this:
I have filed a criminal fraud complaint against you. I am about to urge your other victims to do the same thing in the same place in order for there to be an aggregate record of your crimes.
On a personal note, I find it disgusting that a self-proclaimed Christian like you could steal such a large amount of money from me, an honest man whose wife is expecting a child in 3 weeks.
Tell me, Asif, what would Jesus do?
Apparently, Jesus doesn't figure into the equation where money is concerned!
Asif never responded to the dispute I filed in ebay, and ebay paid me $175 in compensation, apologizing for the bad experience.
When Asif's ebay account was suspended last January, I still had faith. I really believed that he would come through. Then I called him and left a message. He was relatively quick to respond:
"Hi Robert,
Basically some hacker / identity stealer tried to get into my Ebay account and he's causing some trouble with some of my legitimate buyers. I've asked Ebay to investigated and I'm filing a complaint with the police as soon as Ebay tells me what's going on.
Otherwise your order is perfectly fine, I'll have it this month to ship to you!
If' you sen't other email I'll get to them in the next few days."
I was not exactly relieved to read this, but at least he wrote back! (On a side note, I imagine he intends to file a police complaint about the hacking right after OJ finds the real killers). But the seeds of doubt were sown. I started to call him and look into his website (since shut down). I called the toll free number, which was disconnected and looked at what services were supposedly offered. When I saw a fixed price list for things like "Business Plans" I knew that this website was unadulterated bullshit. My heart sank.
I then decided that a refund ASAP was the only way to go, because every other customer would be asking for one very shortly, if they hadn't already. So, I wrote this to him:
"Hello Asif,
I have called you 3 times today (and once 3 days ago) and now I am sending you a formal demand to refund my payment for the Nikon camera as is specified in your advertisement for the camera.
I have filed a dispute with ebay and fully expect an immediate refund. If you fail to respond, I am prepared to pursue all legal means at my disposal to recover my payment."
After that, the conversation became more of a one way affair with me writing things like this:
Given that you have neither delivered the item I paid for nor have you returned my telephone calls, I am forced to demand that you return my $1,190 CAD payment in full as promised in you ebay advertisement for the item.
I am going to reiterate in writing what I have just said to you on the telephone:
It is now approximately 9:50 EST February 19, 2007 and I insist that you refund the money I paid to you in the amount of $1,190 CAD for the ebay purchase of the "Brand New Nikon D80 10.2 Megapixel + 1GB Memory Card" Ebay item number 200069106501 by 5:00 p.m. February 20, 2007.
If you fail to refund the $1,190 CAD in its entirety by the specified time I will take the following actions:
1) I will contact the Toronto Metropolitan police and the RCMP and file a criminal fraud complaint against you, Asif Zamir living at x xxxxxxxx, Apartment xxx, Brampton Ontario.
2) I will sue you in civil court to recover the money owed, damages and costs.
The proper resolution of this issue is in your hands now. I pray you do the right thing."
And this:
I have filed a criminal fraud complaint against you. I am about to urge your other victims to do the same thing in the same place in order for there to be an aggregate record of your crimes.
On a personal note, I find it disgusting that a self-proclaimed Christian like you could steal such a large amount of money from me, an honest man whose wife is expecting a child in 3 weeks.
Tell me, Asif, what would Jesus do?
Apparently, Jesus doesn't figure into the equation where money is concerned!
Asif never responded to the dispute I filed in ebay, and ebay paid me $175 in compensation, apologizing for the bad experience.
Asif Zamir Update!
Asif Zamir seems to have disappeared! He was reportedly evicted from his apartment for non-payment (big surprise!), and has since dropped off the radar. He cannot be found (according the the detective I have been working with), apparently his family hasn't heard from him for 2 months (so they say...) and his car is supposed to be in the possession of his mother. Could his family be hiding him?
Perhaps he knew that his creditors were coming for him. Either way, now it is just a waiting game...
Perhaps he knew that his creditors were coming for him. Either way, now it is just a waiting game...
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
I admit it, I was stupid. Last January, my wife was 7 month pregnant and we had decided that we wanted a good SLR camera to record the birth and development of our daughter. These cameras are expensive, and so I looked around on ebay. We were looking for a Nikon D80, which is listed in retail stores at about $1200 plus tax. When I logged into ebay, I was looking for somebody in Canada. The listing that I found, from Asif Zamir, had a D80 body for sale for about $900 Canadian. I emailed Asif, asked him about it, he seemed very nice. Of course he did!
Anyway, I Googled Asif Zamir and found that he was a self-proclaimed devout Christian (hence my Churchsign picture). I looked at his feedback on ebay, some was bad but always resolved amicably, with a refund. The alarm bells should have gone off when he said no credit card or PayPal, but like I said, I was stupid.
It wasn't long after having sent the money that I started to get concerned. Some bad feedback came in and then Asif's ebay account was suspended. I don't know if you've ever tried to get information about another user from ebay, but you can't. I asked them why they suspended his account and they just blah blah about privacy.
Gotta go, I'll continue later!
Anyway, I Googled Asif Zamir and found that he was a self-proclaimed devout Christian (hence my Churchsign picture). I looked at his feedback on ebay, some was bad but always resolved amicably, with a refund. The alarm bells should have gone off when he said no credit card or PayPal, but like I said, I was stupid.
It wasn't long after having sent the money that I started to get concerned. Some bad feedback came in and then Asif's ebay account was suspended. I don't know if you've ever tried to get information about another user from ebay, but you can't. I asked them why they suspended his account and they just blah blah about privacy.
Gotta go, I'll continue later!
Asif Zamir Owes Me Money

Welcome to my blog, Asif Zamir Owes Me Money!
You may be able to guess by the title, but this blog is an attempt to recover about $1200 from a guy in the Toronto area named Asif Zamir. I will, in the next days, weeks and months, chronicle the fateful ebay transaction that led me to send $1190 in a Interac money transfer to Asif, and my subsequent attempts to contact and recover my money from him.
I will be sticking to the facts of the case, because I wouldn't want to commit libel or anything like that! Fortunately, truth is more interesting than fiction. This will hopefully be both an entertaining and cautionary tale about doing business on ebay, and more specifically doing business with Asif Zamir.
You may be able to guess by the title, but this blog is an attempt to recover about $1200 from a guy in the Toronto area named Asif Zamir. I will, in the next days, weeks and months, chronicle the fateful ebay transaction that led me to send $1190 in a Interac money transfer to Asif, and my subsequent attempts to contact and recover my money from him.
I will be sticking to the facts of the case, because I wouldn't want to commit libel or anything like that! Fortunately, truth is more interesting than fiction. This will hopefully be both an entertaining and cautionary tale about doing business on ebay, and more specifically doing business with Asif Zamir.
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