Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Asif Zamir: Lucky Victim #13

Yes, that's right, another victim has contacted me, bilked out of almost $900 for a Nikon D80 body. That makes 13. Do you think Asif Zamir buys himself little gifts with the money that he steals, or does he live off of this income?


Anonymous said...

i read most of the posts on your blog and as someone who has been scammed on the internet i also know how it feels to get ripped off by someone like this.. luckily i've been able to recoup my money since the people i dealt with were amateurs but this guy seems like a semi pro (at hiding) at the least

one suggestion if you haven't done so already.. you and the other victims can pool funds to hire a private investigator to try and track him down.. i know what it's like dealing with police and sometimes it is very frustrating especially when they don't put resources into what they consider as 'minor' cases

hopefully you will find this guy and he will get what he deserves

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that what Asif Zamir does it a little ebay fraud here and there, fraud in general, and with his business, (http://www.myacumen.com) he hires web designers to do a little work, takes the money, and then never pays them. From there, he makes just enough money to make it by week to week.

Anonymous said...

One of the things that really gets to me about Asif Zamir is how he poses as a Christian. I am a Christian myself, and seeing Asif do what he does, continual lies, deceit, stealing and fraud... Who does he think he is fooling? He sure likes to put on the image, probably to just suck others in.