Monday, October 1, 2007


I was wondering if Asif Zamir feels like a victim. I know he claims to have been the victim of identity theft - although I must admit, if this is the case, he should have worked with the Detective who was working on his creditors' cases. Let's say he was a victim of identity theft, does he feel more of a victim than, say, me, who is out $1190 because of him? Does he think that I should just forget that I parted with this hard-earned money and got nothing in return?

I can say that if Asif Zamir stayed in touch with me, involved the police, and worked to resolve this, I might have a different perspective. But the truth is that I have not heard from him in about 4 months, and when I did hear from him, it was because a fraud detective was calling him everyday. Also thanks to the detective, I received some "mass emails" promising payback dates that never materialized, and at the very start I got two voicemail messages from him, one saying that my order was fine, then one saying that he would pay me back. Those voice messages were left at my home when I was at work, even though I told him to call me on my cell, and the calls came after I left about 10 messages with him.

So, in over 8 months I have heard almost nothing from him. Had it not been for the police detective, I'm sure I would have heard less than that.

All this to say that if Asif Zamir had demonstrated any kind of goodwill by communicating with me, agreeing to repay me on a schedule, actually entering into some kind of dialogue... Well, I guess if he'd done that, you wouldn't be reading this, the police would not be involved, Asif Zamir would not be hiding.

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