Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Spotting a Scam

I know this is like closing the barn door after the horse has left, but I thought it might be helpful to show people how to spot scams.

Ken Rockwell has an excellent site, and I wish that I had fully explored it before sending my money to Asif Zamir. So, here are a couple of links:


And there's this too:


It's bad enough to feel like an idiot like I do for having sent all of that money to Asif Zamir. It is even worse to find that all the information to spot him as a fraudster was out there too.

On the plus side, one of Asif Zamir's victims was careful enough to check his driver's license when he met him, so we know for a fact that Asif Zamir is his real name and that he lives in Toronto. We also know, as a result, what he looks like and sounds like.

I assume that the $10,000 that we know was taken by Asif Zamir is only the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure that if we looked into his bank transactions we'd find that he has taken much more money and we would find many more victims.

I wonder if he has paid income tax on all of that money... Well, that's a side issue, I suppose.

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