Sunday, October 14, 2007

A New Victim

I have been contacted by yet another victim of Asif Zamir who was solicited this past summer. It's a terrible shame.

So, that brings the number of confirmed victims to 6 and the total of money that Asif Zamir has that does not belong to him up to about $4500.

All of the people who were solicited in the summer were contacted long after this whole claimed "identity theft" issue. Asif Zamir claims to have had his identity stolen, and he uses that as an excuse for not paying me back my $1190. But the people who were solicited this past summer who have had Asif Zamir disappear on them are a completely different story. Asif knew that he hadn't paid me, Mike, Pat or Raymond. But he still went after others. The best that he could have done is stolen from Peter to pay Paul, so to speak.

My belief is that the identity theft claim is a canard. There was no identity theft. Asif Zamir just took a bunch of money from people and thought that he could get the police on his side by claiming it. Has anybody investigated this identity theft? Have the police even been asked to look into it?

If this had really happened, Asif Zamir would have kept in touch with his supposed customers and kept them up to date on what was happening.

Unfortunately, I expect that there are going to be more and more victims of Asif Zamir.

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